Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Afternoon Delight

Upon picking up Jude this morning after getting off from work my sister asked me what I was up to the rest of the day.  It was at this point I realized I have the life of a wealthy house mom.  I said I was going to Target because I needed something for a craft project I was working on.  Later in the day I was meeting up with some work folk for lunch and probably stopping by the wife's office to say hi and bring a treat.

I will try to retain some of my masculinity by showing the man-sized sandwich that the Route 58 Deli serves:
I give you the Super Reuben!!!  That is a massive pile of corned beef, pastrami, Swiss cheese and slaw on rye.  I also got a 2lbs. slice of cheese cake to go (half of which was the treat for the wife mentioned earlier).  After the lunch all I could think of was Afternoon Delight by the cast of Anchorman in which Ron Burgundy fondly speaks of "eating a bowl of chicken soup and a Reuben and making dirty Reuben Love."  Afternoon Delight (go to the 3:16 mark for the gold).

Tomorrow I will try to redeem myself but only after my Pilates and Spin classes and some dishing with the gals at Starbucks in our yoga pants.